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Bodybuilding Supplements Video – The SCARY TRUTH!

If you’re one of the tens of millions of people that are working out and using supplements, then you’re going to want to make sure you watch this video because it may change what you’ve been putting in your body, and to me, that would be a good thing. What’s up, guys?
Jeff Cavaliere, ATHLEANX.COM. I decided to do something a little bit different this week. You know, I said, ‘Let’s step out of the gym and cover a whole other aspect of something that I know you guys out there are most likely doing and that’s using supplements in some way, shape, or form.’ I grew up using supplements. I played sports in high school. I tried amino fuel, HotStuff, Medtrix with Dr. Scott Connolly, animal pack, cybergenics.
The point of the matter is, I’ve used them all guys, and I believed in all of them when I took them. So what I wanted to do this week was to put together a video where we look at the bodybuilding supplement industry, and really kind of cover some of the most shocking things that I discovered as I went through. Alright..
So one of the main questions that is always on the minds of everybody and it should be on the minds of those that are taking supplements, are right here on my computer and I’m reading it. ‘Jeff, are supplements worth the money or are they a waste of my money?’ I’m not going to come out there and say you absolutely need supplements, you absolutely need it or you’re never going to see results.
No. You’re going to see results from hard training and a good nutrition. But, if you want to see that extra edge, or if you want to make your job of nailing your nutrition easier, it’s going to be far easier if you’re supplementing your diet with some of these ingredients because some of them simply can’t be obtained in dosages that have been shown to be effective, through regular, normal nutrition. You have to sort of go to outside sources and you have to be able to cull the ingredients in certain amounts to get those benefits that you’re not going to be able to get from eating real food. So. Are supplements a big benefit?
Yes. The first thing that you might hear is about fillers and what is in your supplements not really actually being on the label. You’re going to want to look at any of the bottles you have right now and see if anybody has magnesium stearate in as one of the ingredients because I can tell you it’s not good for you and it’s not something you should be using in your body. Magnesium stearate is actually a filler that the goal, and this is the stuff I told you guys that when I decided to do the AthleanRX series when I found out about some of this stuff, we were really shocked by it and determined to make sure we didn’t do it Magnesium stearate.
The goal of the manufacturer is to put this agent into your supplements because it helps the ingredients when they’re mixing to not stick to the machinery which requires less clean up, which requires less labor that they’re paying for, it requires less maintenance of the machines because they do happen to break down if these things get gummed up. Well, there’s no point at all for the consumer. If you’re, as a consumer, taking it, you don’t need magnesium stearate. Matter of fact, it interferes with some of your ability to… your immune system.
It kind of interferes with your immune system and certain cells in your body. You don’t need it. You certainly don’t want it in your supplements and all I’m saying is if you’re taking it now, you want to make sure that you do something about it. The next thing I think we should cover here is the percentage of active ingredient. Again, this is something that’s not regulated by the FDA.
There are certain percentages of active ingredients that are standards for the ingredients that are in your products. So, for example, if we take something like casein protein…casein protein comes in either, most likely, two potencies: 80% or 90%. What that means is that your body can process and absorb 80% of what’s stated in that amount. So, if you’re looking at let’s say 20 grams of protein, you’re really only able to absorb 16 grams.
Forget absorb, there’s really only active casein protein, stuff that can actually do something to help you build muscle, in 80% of that. So 20%, which would be 4 grams of it, would go away. So, companies aren’t going to say that most often that, Oh, well, we have 20 grams of protein, casein protein, in our blend. Yeah, that’s all well and good, but 16 of it is all that you’re really going to be able to use.
When we set out to do the RX series, I said, ‘Tell me the bottom line! I want guys to make a judgment on the protein they’re putting in their bodies from the bottom line of what they’re actually going to get into their system. What are they gonna’ use? Because we know that we’re still gonna’ have some of that go away in the absorption process when we break it down. So, if a company’s telling you there’s 20 grams when they know well and good that 80% of it is all you’re going get, you’re really only looking at 16 on some of them, and then less than that because your body’s going to break some of it down. So, when we talk about, ‘Do supplements work?’, yeah they work if you know that you can trust the brand that you’re using because you might be thinking that you’re taking 20 grams when in actuality you’re only absorbing 12.
Alright. So, this next one might come as a shock to some of you guys and I have to admit, it did to me as well. I think back to what I went through as a teenager, going into the supplement stores, and I would ask them, ‘What is the best thing for me to take, or best things for me to take?’ I would save up my money to spend it on something if I felt like it would work. But I’m putting my own faith in the hands of one of these sales reps thinking that they’re going to tell me the truth, and the reality is, even today more than ever, these sales reps are often times incentivized by the manufacturer to recommend things that they may not necessarily feel are best.
Why? Because it means more money in their pockets. You might find that you go into a specific supplement store and ask for a specific, you know, product and be swayed towards something else when you might have heard good results from your friends all on this other product.
The sad true fact is, and sometimes even the sales rep themselves have used the product that you initially went in for, but are going to be paid more by the manufacturer as an incentive, as a kickback, to recommend that brand over the other. And that’s where I think it all comes down to trust, guys. It comes down to finding a brand that you trust because you know that it delivers what it says it’s going to deliver. And you know that you can put your faith in that and your hard earned money and realize that you’re not being sort of told something just because there’s an incentive to do that. Next on the hit list: The safety of ingredients. I’ve come out here guys in…
I don’t even remember when it was, 2011, I think, and I made a statement on the inclusion of 1-3 dimethylamylamine in pre- workout products. and I’ve said that this stuff is going to be banned. You know, as a matter of fact it should be banned, but it’s going to banned at some point in time because it’s just not a healthy ingredient, and it’s one that many, many, many supplement companies were using in their pre-workouts.
Guys, you’re going to be ultimately responsible for what you put in your body. And I can only recommend things to you that I feel is good advice and things that you should listen to, and that I can only help that from there you’re going to listen and make your own well-educated decision. That was one of the videos where I sort of stepped out of character a little bit and I said emphatically, ‘Guys! Do not use this! Try not to use this.’ I know it’s a very popular supplement and a very popular brand right now, but try not to use this because you’re jeopardizing yourself in the process and your health.’ And I kind of promised to continue to do that.
If I find an ingredient that i feel is not safe, had I been around doing videos back when ephedrine was out, I would have said the same thing. But if I find that and I go a little bit over the edge in my being emphatic about it, just understand that I’m trying to make sure that you guys know that these are not always regulated by the FDA. They’re not until they become a problem. When they become a problem ,the FDA steps in and they get rid of it.
But, unfortunately, they become a problem when a lot of people get hurt and potentially die from them first. And then they come in and say, ‘Wow. A lot of people got hurt and died from this so we’re going to come in and do something about it’ So the fact is, you always want to make sure that what you’re taking is safe.
I can tell you that with AthleanRX, every single thing we do, we’ve scrutinized what goes in these bottles to the Nth degree. And so much so that we have actually just obtained, or are in the process of obtaining for all 3 of our supplements, the NSF certifiable sports designation that will allow us to be used by all of our Major League Baseball athletes, NFL athletes, PGA athletes, guys that are being regulated by their sport in total to make sure that what they’re taking is safe. As I mentioned earlier the FDA is not going to get involved on every single supplement that goes out. So in a world where there’s no FDA regulation, we decided, maybe stupidly, we want to be FDA compliant, but it’s because I want to make sure that we hold ourselves at the highest standards.
And as I said, guys, not all brands are bad. There are plenty of good brands out there, but you have to know and trust that the brand that you’re putting your hard earned money towards, is doing it the right way. I can tell you this! At AthleanRX, we’re doing it the right way.
Everything you put in your body matters, from your nutrition to your supplementation. Don’t think you’re going to get away with taking supplements if your nutrition sucks. Make sure that you’re nutrition’s good, supplementation follows, and that combined, potent, 1-2 combination is going to provide you with the best chance, combined with a good workout, obviously, to put on the most muscle, and to stay as ripped and lean as possible.
If you haven’t already guys, and you want to check out the supplements, head over to AthleanRX.com or AthleanX.com/AthleanRX and check out the bundles. You’ll save more on the entire bundle, and as I said, it’s everything that you need in three bottles, not having to buy 10 different things just to cover your needs. We put it in, exactly when you need it and how much you need of it.
Guys, in the meantime, we’ll be back here next week, back in the gym, more workouts. Head over to AthleanX.com, check out also the workout program if you haven’t already started that, perfect compliment for the supplements. Alright. Guys, I’ll see you back here in 7 days. In the meantime, have a great rest of your week.

Muscle Building Diet Mistake (EAT BIG | GET BIG!)

JEFF: What’s up, guys? Jeff Cavaliere, ATHLEANX.com. Today we’re talking nutrition. Specifically for hard gainers, and more importantly the mistakes that hard gainers make. And who would I bring into this video? No, not Charlie. He’s doing good with food. We’re talking about Jessie, our resident hard gainer.
Who, by the way – hi Jessie! JESSIE: How’s it going guys? JEFF: Is actually not necessarily a hard gainer anymore because he’s changing his mindset that places the limits on him thinking he’s a hard gainer. So we’ve addressed a lot of his training so far, but we haven’t really addressed nutrition. Honestly, you can train your ass off as a hard gainer. If your nutrition isn’t in check you will not see the results that you want to see.
Particularly in the form of weight gain, or more importantly, muscle gain because you’re not providing the muscles with the proper nutrition. The key is, this doesn’t just mean ‘calories’. Calories is not going to cut it when it comes to building new, productive muscle tissue. You need to provide, as I’ve said plenty of times already, high quality nutrition. Not just food, but nutrient dense food.
So I figured in order to cover this I could take you on my journey because Jessie’s following that journey as we speak, and I take you back to my childhood where my food intake was horrible. I mean, absolutely atrocious. I swear I’ve said this a million times. I was the biggest junk food junkie. I make Jessie look like a complete healthy eater. The fact of the matter was, I ate nothing good. So maybe I was able to come home and my parents would force me to eat, and my grandparents would force me to eat something good at dinner time.
But it wasn’t for lack of trying on my part because I would have for breakfast, some kind of cereal. Fruit Loops, one of my favorites. As a matter of fact, I would put Froot Loops and three other cereals in the same bowl. You know, I couldn’t just choose one. So I’d have that. The problem here: loaded with sugar, no fiber, nothing real beneficial in here. That wasn’t enough though. Of course I had my favorite of all time. Entenmann’s crumb donuts.
These guys. Of course, I wouldn’t have one. So in one you have 250 calories, 20g of sugar. No, I’d have three, or four. At least three, or four. The thing is, when you’re having those types of foods you’re really providing no opportunity to have good, quality nutrition in place of that. So I would say that still wasn’t enough. I would have some chocolate donuts, too. So these guys. You know? The little mini donuts.
These? Okay, I would pound at least three or four of those every morning, too. This is just in the same breakfast. So I could eat and I could take in a lot of calories, but the fact is, I wasn’t taking in nutrient dense calories. This is the kid’s problem right here, okay? JESSIE: Come on! I love them! They’re so good! JEFF: Okay, go ahead. Have one. These days are ending. So the fact of the matter is, you’re not getting a lot of protein, all these foods right there, there’s literally no protein in here at all.
More importantly, let’s say you’re the type that feels that saturated fat is the enemy. A lot of people are in the camp these days saying that ‘it’s not as bad as it used to be’, or as people perceived it to be. That’s fine, but if you do believe that, there’s tons of saturated fat in these things. In just three donuts here there’s 15g of saturated fat, and these donuts over here? Same story. There’s no real good nutrition from that standpoint.
But in my camp, I believe that sugar is really more of the enemy. There’s plenty, as I said, of sugar in these choices here. Other than that, really nothing. So what we know we need to do is, we need to get off that and try to get ourselves to this side of the table, which is where I eat these days. So we have slow cooked oats, oatmeal, pumpkin – rich in vitamins and minerals – this, I put in with the oatmeal. Walnuts.
Great source of fat. We’re not scared of fat, but it’s got a great amount of polyunsaturated fat, okay? So we have a different balance here. Completely on the other side of the equation. The biggest mistake a hard gainer can try to make in making the changes – even if you’re watching this video right now and saying “Yeah, I think I need to eat more of what Jeff’s showing over here” – it’s to try to jump from that to that. Because I tried to do that and that as a mistake. I heard, and read in the magazines that you’re supposed to eat oatmeal.
That’s what all the body builders were eating, all right? Little did I know, they were eating other stuff too, and taking other things, and injecting other things. But I was fixated on the oatmeal and I jumped toward the oatmeal, and I started having this. This was so disgusting to me because I was used to eating all of that sugar, and this has none in it. 1 gram. It was so distasteful to me that I almost got turned off completely to the whole idea of eating healthier. But before I did, I did one thing that I think saved me.
That was, I tried to pick something in the middle. This is oatmeal, too. Okay? It comes in this little package. Jessie eats these every now and then. The thing is, these are – this is the fast oats. There’s really not as much fiber in this as there is in this, in the slow cook oats, but beyond that, these are loaded with sugar, right? So they have the maple kind, the maple brown sugar, they have – what did you eat? JESSIE: I ate the brown sugar. That’s why they’re so tasty. JEFF: I know. No kidding. So they made that more tasty by putting a lot of sugar into it, but at least I was still eating oatmeal instead of eating donuts. Instead of eating Froot Loops. So I felt like, to me, it was an upgrade.
And it was! But it wasn’t where I needed to get to, but if I never did this first, then I never would have been able to get to this because what I did was, I would take two packets of this, and that would be my breakfast. I would have a glass of orange juice, or whatever else I would eat with that. But then I started to combine one pack of this and then one serving of this and I was able to tolerate it because I was getting more and more of a taste for oatmeal in the morning. Then I would take two of these, but I had to start putting in my own brown sugar.
I put a lot to try to make it taste a little bit better. But then I started to be able to wean that down because it started to taste a little too sweet to me. Instead, I started to put in bananas, sliced up banana, which is a source of sweetness that wasn’t as bad as just pounding the brown sugar. So over time I made better and better choices to what I have these days. Which, again, is pumpkin mixed with – and I put this recipe up on our channel here a long time ago – but pumpkin mixed in with some brown sugar, and cinnamon, and the oats, and the walnuts, and then even a little bit of whipped cream on top. It’s freaking awesome.
But the fact is, I never would have even gotten here and had a tolerance for this if I didn’t start somewhere in the middle. For a guy like Jessie, we see what he eats. He loves gummy bears. What else do you eat? Potato chips, right? JESSIE: Potato chips, Doritos. JEFF: This is his daytime meal. This is what he’s eating. When he goes home and eat dinner he has a good dinner? JESSIE: Yeah, a great dinner. I’ve got an Italian mom. Of course.
JEFF: Italians mother’s going to make sure he’s eating at least normal foods, as opposed to all this fast food type stuff, processed stuff. So he at least gets that part right. A lot of times it’s out of convenience, but don’t confuse the fact that he’s not taking in enough calories and don’t confuse the fact that you might not be taking in enough calories. You probably are. You might be taking in a lot.
They say “Eat big, get big”. It’s not that. It’s not that. It’s “Eat GOOD, Eat high quality food, get big”. So if you even take and start making these swaps you might find that your calories will go down. But because your nutritional value and the quality which you’re taking in is better, more productive; your body can do more with it. You’re going to start seeing gains and start building muscle.
JESSIE: Because they’re higher quality calories, right?
JEFF: That’s what I just said. So the fact is, you want to make sure that quality is dictating your choices, not quantity. As a matter of fact, the quantity will start taking care of itself. The good news is, you will be able to eat a lot more of this, provided your stomach is able to accept it. A lot of times your stomach isn’t able to accept it because you really haven’t been eating lot of fiber, you really haven’t been eating a lot of protein. So you’ll find that you get full pretty quick when you start eating the more nutritious foods. So that might take a little time for you to adapt to, and start eating a little bit more in quantities. But at that point, you could eat a lot and eat more, in terms of quantity, as long as you’re eating high quality. Now the gains really start coming. So we’re working with Jessie on his nutrition. As I said, that was your last shot, buddy. You want one more bite?
JEFF: Go ahead. Take another bite. All right. There you go. So we’re working on improving his nutrition so that over time here, he’s going to be providing much more productive calories for his body to actually do something with, and that’s going to help us to add the gains to his physique as we continue to compliment what he’s doing in the gym with what he’s doing in the other 23 hours of the day.
All right, guys. If you’re looking for a complete training program that has a nutrition plan that is forgiving – in other words, it’s not telling you just to jump into this and eat bland and hate the way your life feels when you’re eating this stuff. It’s about showing you how to eat better and making it actually enjoyable and giving you plenty of options to choose from so you actually like what you’re eating. That’s our X-Factor Meal Plan.
It’s in our ATHLEANX training system over at ATHLEANX.com. In the meantime, whatever you want us to cover here, especially with Jessie as my guest here, we’ll do that in future videos and make sure that we answer the questions that you want us to answer. All right. I’ll talk to you soon, guys. See ya. Say ‘bye’, Jessie. JESSIE: See ya, guys.

Gym Clothes = More Effective Workout? | 5 Proven Ways Clothing Can Affect Athletic Performance

Gym Clothes = More Effective Workout 5 Proven Ways Clothing Can Affect Athletic Performance. Can the clothing you wear affect the way you perform on the athletic field? The quick answer is yes, but how? What ways? Guys, that’s what today’s video is all about. I’ve got five ways in which the clothing you wear can have positive and negative effects, all of these backed by research. So, guys stick around it’s going to be fun video.
All right, gents let’s get right into the content, let’s talk about the first piece of athletic clothing which can lead to enhanced performance, that’s going to be compression clothing specifically compression clothing we’re talking about stockings, sleeves, we’re talking about tights worn in around the buttocks in the thigh area.
This is going to lead to basically better circulation. Now, that’s where it comes out of is actually out of the medical field when they were trying to encourage better circulation in the elderly. What they noticed though is that when younger and when athletes started trying to wear this they found, hey, I get better circulation and that reduces recovery time, it increases endurance.
And what we see is the research over the years there’s quite a bit of, it’s actually been a bit mixed on and off, but what they have been able to clearly prove is that there are psychological benefits because if you believe that this is going to improve your circulation, it feels good, you feel that you’re recovering faster, you actually are.
It’s one of those placebo things out there. You know it’s a very small improvement, but if you notice the difference, then you probably are experiencing it. Clothing item number two which improves athletic performance is going to be an item that actually brings in heat balance.
So, what we’re talking, you know, as you know you have a normal body temperature. Whenever you go out there and exercise that temperature starts to go up. But if you’re in an environment let’s say you’re in Austin, Texas during the summer, what do – how do a lot of guys dress when they go out jogging like that? They throw in a pair of shorts, running shoes, and they go out without a shirt on.
They’re out there in the hot sun during the mid day and they’re exposing themselves to heatstroke. Why not simply put on a hat to have that better temperature on your head? Why not wear actually a long sleeve wicking moisture light colored or semi-light colored shirt that simply does a great job of blocking off the sun rays out allows the – you sweat to dissipate and go right through and just does a better job of regulating your temperature?
Now, this isn’t always just because of the heat, it can be the extreme cold. Let’s say you’re over in Vancouver, Canada and it’s November. It’s kind of nice day in November, you’re going to go out hiking, but you know that the weather can change and that you can get rained out, some winds could come in, temperature could drop.
And, yeah, you’re going to be out there hiking you’re going to be going for a pretty long hike, what you want to make sure that you’ve got material that can actually block the wind can block the rain can actually when you’re out there jogging, it’s going to wick away moisture, so specialty jackets that are made for that kind of condition are something that’s probably worth investing in.
Now, gentlemen all the clothing you just saw is made by Strongbody Apparel and throughout this video, I’m going to be pulling up a number of their pieces. And for three years I’ve been using their gear and I can tell you this is the real deal and I mean there’s some great things about it; it’s moisture wicking, it’s lightweight, it has a four-way stretch, it’s incredibly comfortable, and it is durable. And that’s the one thing I want to stress on because guys these performance shorts right here, I’ve had this for three years.
I have worn and washed this hundreds. I mean seriously hundreds of times, they have maintained they sent me a new pair and when I’m looking at this I’m like, you know in three years this pair has held up amazingly well. Maybe there’s one stitch I was able to find that’s kind of falling apart. These are just my go-to favorite shorts. And they sent me another pair, so this is my third pair which just to let you guys know down in the comments I’m going to link over to this company. I want you to go check them out.
Let me know what your favorite pieces are because they sent me some extra ones and honestly, as much as I would love to keep these, I know that you guys would appreciate if I send some your way. So, go check out this company. Gents, I can’t stress this enough, Strongbody Apparel is the real deal. Their clothing is durable, last forever, and is of the highest quality. Now, they normally don’t put out discount codes, I’ve got one for you down there in the description. It’s a limited time one. Go use it, take advantage.
Anything you want to put into your cart and grab, guys, one of my favorite companies. I’m proud to recommend them. Example number three of where clothing affects athletic performance is in body suits specifically we’re talking about body suits that reduce drag increase speed. So, let’s talk about swimming.
Polyurethane body suits were banned. Why? Because they actually reduce drag in some measurable tests by 40%. Now, think about that, if you have a 40% reduction in drag this suit gives you, you can have a swimmer who is actually athletically better, but because maybe he can’t afford to have that particular suit, another swimmer who has that is going to end up being in, so they went ahead and outlawed it.
But, what’s interesting is many other sports where you actually want to have a full suit such as long distance speed skating, it actually has been shown that the suits that they wear very important we’re talking about a 1% difference on race day. We also see they start to go into cycling and other sports like that. But, make sure if you’re going to be at the highest level, it is something you want to pay attention to what you’re wearing.
Now, let’s talk about the fourth way in which clothing can enhance athletic performance. Wear clothing that’s comfortable. Now, how do you judge comfort? You look at actually which clothing is going to be able to stand up to the extremes of you sweating of the temperature – with the temperature regulation.
Everything we talked about a little bit earlier, you want to look at at athletic clothing versus cotton. Now, I like cotton, I like cotton shirts. The problem with cotton is it soaks up moisture and then it doesn’t dissipate it very well versus the most – that a lot of the stuff out there specifically designed especially last ten years for sucking up moisture and then releasing it. Now, why does it do that? Because if you get down to the fabric level, you look at the actual textile at the – the fibers that are used here, a lot of the ones used they have like some they – they feel like silk, yet they have the durability of cotton or they’re sewn in a way that they’ve got a four way stretch.
All of these, the four-way stretch prevents hotspots even if you’re wearing it tightly. Cotton usually only has a two-way stretch and that that not even much of a stretch. So, all of a sudden you’ve got a big advantage there. Now, when it comes to moisture sucking, basically the way that the fibers are designed on cotton they’re not made to easily release water. But when you look at this on a lot of synthetic materials they’re going to be made and they’re going to be not much smoother and that’s going to allow the cotton the basically the water to go right through and to right out especially if it has the right type of weave.
So, those things right there are going to make it so that they can have something lighter something that’s going to breathe better, something that’s going to sweat better and at the end of the day is going to be much more enjoyable to wear and you’re going to reduce injury like let’s say you’re a long distance runner. Well, think about that, if you are wearing a cotton shirt after 20 miles, you’re training up for a marathon, what happens? You literally your nipples start to bleed because you’re rubbing them like – like – basically it’s like a sandpaper, but if you’ve got something that has a feel of silk and that has a very, you know, very soft feel to it, you’re just not going to have that same issues. More comfort, higher performance.
Example number five of how clothing can affect athletic performance is how the color of clothing can affect not only your mindset, but the mindset of the people watching the performance. So, these two colors right here, which one is more aggressive which one if I’m wearing it are you going to instantly think this guy is he’s just more aggressive?
It’s going to be black and you guys have probably heard me talk about this in other articles and videos, but if you’re wearing black, you are going to be perceived as more aggressive. Now, what’s interesting they did a study back in 1988 and they took notice – if you think about it in the NHL basically National Hockey League and the NFL, we see teams wear light colors wear dark colors if they’re home or they’re away.
time the teams wore back again and again, they were receiving more penalties versus whenever they were wearing their lighter colors. Why did this happen? They found it was two factors. One, the way the athletes perceived themselves. So, whenever they wore the black uniforms they view themselves as more aggressive. Now, here’s what’s interesting is other people even trained referees and people in the audience who didn’t even know the sport perceived those that were wearing black as more aggressive as well.
What his hap – what his basically this add up to is that the athletes were more aggressive. They were perceived as more aggressive by others and these two factors resulted in basically them getting more penalties. How do you use this to you advantage? Well, I just think I guess if you’ve got a team of people that aren’t very aggressive you’re in an aggressive sport, well, I would go about making sure that you choose black jerseys.
All right, gentlemen now it’s your turn. I want to hear from you down in the comments what do you think of this video? Do you agree with the points I talked about? Maybe you disagree. And if you want more, you want the scientific studies, go check out the article I’m going to link to down in the description and over at Real Men Real Style, I’ll go into a lot more detail over there. So, if you want to expand on some of the points, I would love to hear from you.
Finally, gentlemen, go check out Strongbody Apparel. They were the paid sponsor of this video and more importantly they are a solid company that I’ve worked with for over three years. When they first sent me these shorts over three years ago, I loved them then, I love them now. And they have stood up to the test of time. I’ve worn and washed these over two hundred times.
They’ve got all types of shorts, they’ve got all types of shirts. They’ve got a new collection that just came out. And, guys, that discount code, they don’t do that very often, so take advantage of that discount code. It’s not going to be available for much longer. That’s it guys. Hopefully you enjoy this. I really appreciate you guys. Take care. I’ll see you in the next video. [Music] [0:10:01] End of Audio

Common Gym Style Mistakes Men Are Making | 5 Items To Quit Wearing When Working Out

Gentlemen, today I’m going to talk about five things men need to stop wearing to the gym. And I’m going to have a little bit of fun with this video, but let me put it into context.
So, I live in a small town. I go to my local YMCA running into men, women, children, it’s family environment in the mornings in around lunchtime in the evenings it gets really busy, so if you’re going to be in there using machines you’re oftentimes sharing them with other people.
Also, I run into friends, I run into people I’ve done business with and these people already have an impression of who I am and what I stand for. And the point I want to make in this video is you don’t want to go too far to the extreme and betray expectations.
For someone that you possibly do business with and for them to say, wow, I’ve never seen him in that environment and, wow, he really smells or something to that extreme. That’s what you want to avoid. And, if you’re a single guy, you’re going to the gym, you know, there are many single attractive women who are there and just simply say hi to and you possibly may want to engage with, but what you don’t want to do is have that negative impressions. We’ve talked about first impressions are very important.
If you have a negative impression, you have to spend a lot of time trying to break out of that. So, guys, if you have something to add, if you’ve got certain pet peeves in the gym or things that you think men need to stop doing and I don’t cover it in this video, please let me know in the comments and without further ado, let’s get into point number one. So, point number one. Men need to wear clothing that wicks away moisture from the body.
Let’s face it, you go to the gym you’re going to sweat. Some of us sweat a lot. What you don’t want to do is wear clothing that is basically like a sweat sponge where it’s going to keep it all right here in your clothing.
So, whenever you’re sharing that machine, you sit down and you get up and there’s this huge wet spot right there on the machine. No, you don’t want to do that, you want to have clothing that is going to actually pull it away from the body and then, push it out and just have it naturally evaporate.
One, it’s going to cool you down better and two, it’s actually just going to look better. Now, of course, you need to have a towel with you, but when you’re going out there and buying clothing, avoid heavyweight cottons, avoid denim. Denim is not something you want to be working out in, guys. Make sure to wear or to go out there and get some clothing that’s specifically says it’s going to wick away moisture, it’s made for the gym.
Tip number two. Wear clothing that actually fits you. So, most guys are wearing clothing at the gym that’s too loose for them. Why? Well, they’re just used to wearing sizes which are wrong. Maybe they should be wearing a medium-size shirt and guess what? They’ve got an extra large size shirt. This doesn’t make you look bigger, it just looks loose on you and it hides up you going to gym you want to get in better shape or you’ve already got a great body why not actually wear clothing which shows it off a bit and makes you look healthy, makes you look strong.
But, the other thing about if you wear clothing that’s too loose besides making you look smaller, it actually doesn’t give you full freedom of movement. And, probably, and your shirts are relatively easy to find one if you got out there and search to find one that fits you well. But, sweatpants, oftentimes they make you look square, they are going to be way too baggy at the bottom, so I had this company, Public Rec. I really like them. T
hey’re made right here in the United States and they had a successful Kickstarter and they had tons of guys backed them. What I really like about these pants is that they’re made specifically to look good when you’re in the gym or when you’re traveling to the gym. So, little things like having a tapered bottom, some of the best fitting, I would say I would say best fitting sweatpants I’ve ever owned.
I love entrepreneurism. And when I see something so simple, I was talking with the founder and he talked about when you go out there, you know, when you buy sweatpants, you see medium, large, extra large, small, they said why don’t you apply what we already applied to pants which is like sizes. So, these are 32-32. Simple, genius, but what ends up happening is you actually have sweatpants that fits your body and they functionally got this. I love it when they actually have zippers on the pockets.
I put things in my pockets, whenever I’m on the bench press, I don’t like it when they fall out. Function, fit, quality, like said made in USA. I’ve already washed this five times and they’ve held up under washing machine. So, go check them out, Public Rec, great company.
So, let’s get on to point number three. Stop wearing fragrance into the gym. And I’m talking, you know who I’m talking about that guy that puts on five, ten sprays of his favorite cologne, walks around the gym and it’s like marking his territory, everybody can smell him. Guys, you don’t want to be this guy. One, it’s inconsiderate. There are many people that get migraine headaches, they become nauseous whenever they smell something like that. Also, understand women, they’re more sensitive to smell.
Now, on the opposite end of that, make sure that you’re washing your clothing after every time. You may grab your gym clothing, smell it, I don’t smell anything. Well, you’re the worst person to check into, you know, see if your own body odor. You’re just not going to smell it as much as other people will.
Tip number four. Don’t wear flip flops into the gym. Has anyone ever actually seen this? I’ve seen people wear sandals in the gym. The point here, flip flops are great when you’re in the locker room and you’re going to be going in the shower and you want to protect your feet, but in the gym you want traction, you want good grip, you want to be able to run in the treadmill go on the StairMaster be able to do squats and not worry about your feet coming out from underneath you. In addition, make sure that you don’t wear the same shoes that you are wearing outside.
Here in Wisconsin, we get really bad weather at times, so people could track in mud, they definitely can be tracking in dirt and sand. And what happens is that stuff gets on the gear, it gets on the equipment, and it actually can be a safety risk, but worse case you just got the people that are there working at the gym that they happen to go in there and spend more time cleaning, so just be courteous.
Tip number five. Leave the jewelry at home. Now, I think simple jewelry is perfectly fine. This ring I pretty much never take off, but if you’ve got necklaces, if you’ve got bigger chains, if you’ve got bracelets, if you’ve got large rings that have diamonds or other precious stones, be careful in the gym.
One, you’re going to be knocking them up against pieces and it could damage your jewelry.
Number two, you could get this caught in a machine and you could get yanked you could get pulled, you could get you could get yourself seriously hurt. So, guys, if it can get caught in anything if it’s valuable, just leave it at home, don’t even bring it to the gym.
All right, guys, that’s it.
Now, I didn’t cover headphones, I didn’t cover socks, I didn’t cover super short shorts, but I would love to hear from you, guys, down in the comments, what are some of the things you see at the gym which you wish you didn’t see at the gym? And, guys, go check out Public Rec. Really cool company, made in the United States. Now, I’ve already gotten compliments from my wife and a couple of other friends about where did I get these. I love them because they’re functional, made in the United States, really cool company. Go check them out. That’s it, guys. See you in the next video.

4 Supplements That Are Bad For Your Body

Hey there, viewers! I am a nutrition expert and I am here to spread awareness. There are many different types of supplements that are found on the market. Most nutritionists suggest you try them. But not all of those supplements are as useful as you think they are. Let’s explore it further. In this video, I will explain all the different types of supplements found in the market and more. Let’s start with the ones that you don’t actually need.
#1 Calcium Supplements
For the last few years it has become a trend to pitch calcium supplements in advertisements. The audience in particular are people ages 40 and above. While the ads may sound very promising, the products usually don’t justify the hype. Why? Because the calcium supplements don’t get into the bones as they are supposed to.
Instead, you are more likely to get calcium through natural means. For example, salmon and sardines are some of the most well-known sources of calcium. Apart from that, you can try green vegetables like cabbage and broccoli. Dairy products are usually good sources too. If you happen to be lactose intolerant and can’t handle milk, then opt for almond milk.
It is a good alternative, just make sure you have a source for protein. I am mentioning this mainly because almond milk doesn’t contain enough protein. You can watch the video, “Is Almond Milk a Good Alternative to Cow’s Milk?” for more information. Now let’s continue with this video.
#2 Iodine Supplements
You shouldn’t take Iodine supplements unless your doctor prescribes it. Mind you, doctors rarely will. Why? Because having too much iodine is often linked to thyroid problems. This is why I wouldn’t recommend that you take iodine supplements. There are numerous other alternatives that you can consume to get iodine. When you are consuming food that has iodine, always check the content. Different types of seaweed are often decent sources of iodine. They also have antioxidants and antimicrobial properties.
Apart from that, dairy products also contain a healthy amount of iodine. If you don’t want dairy products you can try shrimp. The best part about shrimp is that it is low-calorie, but at the same time very high protein. Iodized salt is also a good alternative when it comes to having iodine.
#3 Vitamin E Supplements
There was a time when taking Vitamin E supplements wasn’t considered a problem. Then some studies suggested it wasn’t a good idea. One study in particular made it very clear that people who took Vitamin E supplements had a higher risk of dying than those who didn’t.
Don’t worry though, there isn’t enough Vitamin E in multivitamins to cause problems. I would still suggest that you use natural methods of getting Vitamin E into your body. This is safer and has less complications. Additionally, you need Vitamin E for your body. Specifically if you are looking for flawless skin, Vitamin E is your go to nutrient. Try having almonds. Once again, almond milk is a very good option. Spinach is another great example.
#4 Vitamin C Supplements
There have been debates on this topic. Are Vitamin C supplements really necessary? Well, one study was conducted to see if we really needed this supplement. It turns out we don’t. Instead, we would recommend that you take it naturally. These sources include citric fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.
So next time you feel like having Vitamin C, try these first. Keep in mind that your body needs Vitamin C. It increases the production of collagen in your skin, making sure that you don’t easily get black heads, acne scars or wrinkles. More importantly, it keeps your nerves, muscles and bones strong. Additionally, Vitamin C boosts the healing factor of your skin. This doesn’t mean that you will heal very quickly, but at least you will. In the absence of Vitamin C, healing might be a very big problem. You can also check out our video, “Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms That Should Never Be Ignored.” It will help you understand the problem better.
Now that we have spoken about the supplements we don’t need, time to talk about the ones that we do.
#1 Protein Supplements
In a study, it was found that protein powder has a positive effect on resistance and endurance training. Considering this, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that you can actually opt for this supplement. It is still better than a lot of supplements we mentioned earlier. This doesn’t mean that there are no food alternatives.
There are many natural alternatives to protein supplements. Some of the most common being diary products, green vegetables and meat. Specifically, any type of red meat is a good alternative. Don’t let that steal thunder from protein supplements though. It is useful, and easier to digest protein supplements than red meat. You can always weigh your options carefully.
#2 Omega 3 Supplements
Yes, you can always consume sardines or tuna to get Omega 3 Fatty acids. Keep in mind, not everyone enjoys the salty smell of fish. Some people hate the smell so much that they refuse to go near it. Others find it hard to eat or digest. Omega 3 supplements are a good alternative for such people. Researchers also agree that omega 3 supplements help to control the blood pressure.
By doing so, it decreases the risks of major cardiovascular problems in humans. Therefore, this is a good alternative to natural Omega 3 acids. Omega 3 supplements are also known to boost calcium in the bones and joints. There you go, if you weren’t convinced already then this should seal the deal. This doesn’t mean that you should stop eating tuna or sardines though. If you like them, stick to eating them.
Before I continue, I suggest that you try out our video on the benefits of fish oil. It will help you form a decision on whether or not you should actually opt for fish supplements.
#3 Zinc Supplements
You don’t have to be a marathon runner or swimmer to fall in love with zinc. This mineral is special because it has the ability to boost your immunity. Many nutrition experts would suggest that you go for a zinc supplement. There are many different types of food that are high in zinc.
This includes red meat, shellfish and even dark chocolate. Surprised about the inclusion of dark chocolate? Well don’t be, because 100 grams contains about 3.3 grams of zinc. Yet none of these foods may be for you. People with different problems may not be able to eat foods that are high in zinc. This is for several reasons.
They would find it rather easy to ingest zinc supplements. Another interesting thing about zinc is its ability to fight depression. So the next time you think that you are down and out, know that zinc has your back. Hmm, come to think of it, this explains why we feel light after having dark chocolate. It’s the zinc that helps the process.
#4 Vitamin D Supplements
Think of the things that can give you Vitamin D. You will get egg yolk, dairy products, fish and cereals. These foods are known as some of the most common sources. Yet there is another common source, the sun. You get a lot of Vitamin D from that flaming ball in the sky. So why do we need supplements if we have these options?
Well here are some reasons. Some of us might live in Easter European, Central Asian and Scandinavain countries where sunlight isn’t as common. Places like Norway go for 6 months without seeing the sun! This is where supplements come into play. They make sure that your body is getting enough of this nutrient.
Keep in mind that absence of Vitamin D can cause some problems like pain in your bones, glucose intolerance and even hypertension. So make sure that you have had proper consumption of this particular nutrient. So are you going to drop any of these supplements? Do you know anyone who takes one of the supplements we have mentioned? Let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!

POTW: What To Wear To The Gym

– Hi, happy Thursday.
Hope you’re having a wonderful day. I’m doing a little bit of work here on this lounge chair because it is a beautiful day in LA. So, it’s Thursday, which means it’s time for my pick of the week and this one is inspired by you and your emails and questions about how to achieve a put-together, comfortable, stylish outfit for the gym or for when you’re traveling or just running errands about town and you want to have a lazy day.
My pick of the week are these sweatpants by John Elliott. Now, the reason why I love these sweatpants is because well, John Elliott, all his pieces are essential items that are just created and constructed so damn well. I’ve worked with his pieces for years and I just think that they’re a cut above the rest in terms of the quality and construction of his items. So well worth the price.
But anyways, so you basically have three out of the four items in this outfit that I’m showing. You already have a great-fitting t-shirt in black or navy or white which won’t show any sweat if you’re sweating at the gym or sweating when you’re traveling around and then you already have a nice bomber jacket because like I’ve said in all of my videos, bomber jackets look so great on every body type out there.
Also, you already have some sneakers, whether it be tennis shoes or some nice athletic sneakers, so you already have the t-shirt, the bomber jacket, the sneaker. Now all you need to do is add a great pair of sweatpants to your wardrobe in order to create this very sharp outfit.
Now you can switch out the bomber jacket for a zip-up hoodie if you’d like but honestly, I highly recommend just sticking with this entire outfit. I love the bomber jacket with this look because I just think it helps elevate this entire outfit and really makes it stylish and put-together.
Be sure to check out the article which I’ll link in the video description below where I recreate this entire outfit and I also provide a budget-friendly version.
If you are one of the people that asked me to do a video about great gym and travel style, let me know if this has scratched your itch by leaving me a comment below and giving me a thumbs up. Thanks so much for watching, I’ll see you next Thursday for my pick of the week. Bye!

How To Build A Sexy Back At Home (no pull up

– Hey what’s up guys, Jordan here and today I wanna show you the exercises that build a cobra back at home, no equipment. So i’m gonna take off my shirt if not you can’t see my back muscles. So the back muscles consist of the many many part of the muscles that build up the entire cobra back. Consist of trapezius, top. The rear delt, the rhomboids, the lats, also known as the wing.
And your lower back. First and foremost before I start here is a disclaimer and that is I don’t actually do all these exercises at home without gym equipment to achieve this physique. Right I actually do weights training, now this video is for those people who are dedicated to build a good physique at home without having the chance to go to the gym or just don’t feel like go to the gym all right?
So, although I am in a gym I can use dumbbell to demonstrate for you but I wanna show you what you can do even without dumbbell. Now, to build a good solid back you need to do a lot of vertical pull, also known as a lat pull, pull up, and rowing.
The problem with all these exercises you need a pull up bar, or you need a pair of dumbbell or you need a cable row. So at home, most probably you don’t have a pull up bar or if you attempt to row under the table things will happen, like the table will flip. So here are the exercise can really help you to train but I’ll break it down bit by bit part by part.
Now the first part I would like to teach you how to train at home is your lats, known as the wing. But first of all this is what you need. And that is two bottles of water. It can be 500 mL or it can be like this, 1.5 liters. And 1.5 liters is actually more than enough if you do it my way. So get down to the ground, in a prone position. So to get started, your arms from here you go down and from here you need to bring your arms up to the ceiling. Okay so by doing this you are actually activating the lats.
Obviously, this is not enough, this is why I recommend you to get started with a bottle. You can start with one single arm first. Here, and raise. If you feel comfortable you can use both arms it is a time saver and it’s little bit harder. Okay, so this is a very good way to train your lats without involving in pulling. So the next muscle group is your rear delt, right your rear delt and your inner upper back. So to do this, it’s very similar like a flys, you’re gonna need the bottle over here. And you’re gonna bend over, keep your body in a nice horizontal level, parallel and do this. Now this is classic but I personally like to modify a little bit to get my body into a more functional that trains not only your back but my core, and stability as well. Right so instead of doing this.
I would do this in a push up position, stance wider, and go up here and do your flys. Right so for this you can go up to 15 to 20 repetition right, once you complete because this is single arm switch to the other arm and do the same thing just like this. Stance wider. So go all the way inward, full range of motion and extend but don’t rotate, right. From here to here is good enough for the back.
This is not necessary, although it looks sexy it looks functional but it’s not really necessary. Now, this can be a little bit tough because you are in a full push up plank position, so what if you are already fatigued before your back gets fatigued you can actually do this version so instead of doing this, instead of doing this you can just put your knee on the floor, back straight, and just focus on your back.
It works the same, obviously this will gives you a little bit more challenge to strengthen your core, to burn calories but I would say that your goal is 15 reps but during the eight reps you’re shaking already you can do this version and finish off the remaining reps. To hit 15 to 20 repetitions. Now the last back exercise and that is the trapezius right so trapezius or traps, that’s what gives you the nice stability for your neck and your scapula and of course look stronger with taller traps and that is using bottle water.
What you need to do once again we need get ourself down in to prone position. So to do this is known as the back extension. I call this Superman back extension because you’re gonna look like Superman and it’s you’re gonna reach your arms forward from here, both arms grabbing the bottle water and now we’re gonna extend up. Keep your arms straight and make sure to keep your core tight.
Okay so this is not only training your traps but also the lower back, right, that I mentioned earlier, lower back is part of the back muscles so by doing extension, you’re training your lower back as well. So these are the exercises that trains your entire back, now if you’re still watching this video I have one bonus exercise for you.
And this is awesome, you can do this exercise like basically fire up the entire back. So this exercise is a combination of all three together in one. Remember from here, first exercise to train your lats, secondly flys for the rear delts the inner back upper back and last of all for the traps. So to do this, you need to use both water bottle. I strongly recommend you to start with 500 mL because this is pretty tough if you use 1.5 liters of water but if you’re strong enough come take the challenge. So to get started, you’re gonna start from the Superman position here.
Lying down, so here you’ve gotta extend your arms, extend and go all the way down to your hip and relax. Up all the way up, and this is one rep. It’s not easy but it works a lot. Yeah so haw many reps for this, five reps is good, yes, five reps. But remember, this, and this, is one rep. So to summarize up, how many repetitions, how many sets you should do in order to get a nice back.
Each exercise aim about 4 working sets, and if you’re ambitious enough to challenge yourself you can do it them like a circuit form right back to back. Four rounds. I would say a good start is try to aim 15 repetitions or 20 repetitions for the early first two to three exercise, which is the back retraction low angle for your lats. 15 or 20 reps, and then move on to the single arm reverse flys, 15 to 20 reps.
For each side and then you should change. And last of all the Superman extension, to train up your trapezius here and also your lower back, 15 or 20 reps and then add this if necessary, this is a bomb, five reps. All right so I hope you learnt something today, if you wanna learn other muscle group like how to train your chest at home, how to train your shoulder at home.
Check our my other videos at my YouTube channel I already made those video. It’s all about consistency, I would say try to train at least three to five times a week and yeah if you’re so serious in transforming your physique, home workout you hit the limit here I welcome you to check out my best coaching program here I’m offering free seven days trial all you need to do is visit cart right here and this is where you’ll get full access to my training program on what to do daily, day by day, what to eat weekly and all the knowledge you need to train in the gym to hit the muscles right.
I already did all the heavy lifting for you, it is a pain searching on YouTube on what is the right exercise for you, what is the best exercise for you, here you can save so much time but to get results in a faster way, so train consistent and I hope you enjoy this video, all the best. Peace.

Gaining Fat, Not Muscle? 4 Mistakes You’re Making

What’s up, guys? Sean Nalewanyj here at www.SeanNal.com.
Today’s question: What should you do if you’re trying to bulk up, you want to gain overall lean mass but it seems like you’re mostly just gaining fat but not muscle. I get this question all the time.
The answer is pretty straight forward. So these are the four main mistakes you might be making. Mistake number one is that your targeted daily calorie intake is just set too high.
Yes, if you’re trying to do a focus bulk and you want to maximize you gains then you do need to be eating in a calorie surplus but a lot of guys who are just starting out, especially those who are naturally very thin and they want to gain size as quickly as possible, they tend to take that whole ‘Eat big to get big’ idea just a bit too far.
Like I’ve said many times before, there’s a set limit of how much muscle your body can build over any given day or any given week. And just stuffing your face with more and more food beyond that maximum threshold to try and speed up the process, that’s only going to make you fat.
Your goal, if you want to make lean gains and minimize body fat increases, is going to be to eat just enough calories to optimize hypertrophy but nothing more than that. If you’re gaining much more than about half a pound of bodyweight per week or three pounds per month at the maximum, then you’re most likely going overboard and you’re going to need to dial things back. You’d still be gaining muscle in a situation like that, of course assuming that your training program is on point, but the increases in body fat are going to be coming in so quickly that it might seem like that’s the only thing you’re gaining.
How many calories should you consume?
You’ll hear a lot of different recommendations on this, but a pretty safe bet is around two hundred to three hundred calories above your maintenance level. You can go a bit higher or a bit lower depending, but that’s going to be a pretty safe bet for most average lifters.
Mistake number two is that you have calculated your calories properly and you are aiming to it in a moderate surplus, but you’re actually going over it without realizing it. I’ve been doing fitness coaching for over a decade now, I’ve worked with a lot of different people, and one thing I’ve learned for sure is that most people are just not very good at accurately tracking their true calorie intake. And they’re very often off by a pretty big margin.
This can happen for a few different reasons. Number one: It could be that you’re just winging your diet and you’re just trying to estimate things. Now, this can work fine for experienced lifters who know their bodies well and who have a good sense of the nutrition content for different foods, but if you’re still in the beginning stages then I’d recommend that you through at least a period of detailed, on point dietary tracking just to learn the road, basically.
Because if you don’t then the natural instinct is going to be to overeat, especially if you’re in that bulking mindset and you want to gain as much size as possible. The other possibility is that you are attempting to track things but you’re just making errors in your measurements and your overall tracking that are adding up throughout the day. So basically, there are little hidden items that you’re overlooking or you’re just measuring things wrong. For example, if what you think is one tablespoon of peanut butter is actually two tablespoons, that’s a very common mistake, that’s a hundred extra calories right there alone.
But other things like an extra glass of fruit juice or a handful of almonds, little high calorie snacks, cooking oils, cream and sugar in your coffee, all of these things can add up quite a bit for the day as a whole if you aren’t careful. And the other possibility is that you’re taking the concept of cheat meals and cheat days a bit too far.
There’s nothing wrong at all with including cheat foods in your plan in moderation. Eighty to ninety percent clean food is a good guideline and then you can just fill in the rest with whatever you want. But when it all comes down to it, your overall gains and bodyweight are still ultimately going to come down to your total net energy balance for the week as a whole.
And so everything you consume from day-to-day counts. So if you ate in a three hundred calories surplus Monday to Friday but then you just went all out on the weekend and you ate in a twelve hundred calories surplus on Saturday and Sunday, that would put your total surplus on average at more like five hundred and fifty calories a day, which is almost double what you were aiming for.
So bottom line, when calculating your daily calorie intake, all cheat meals and all cheat days count. And they’re not somehow a free-pass just because you were good with your training and your diet over the previous days. So moving on to mistake number three. For those who feel like they’re gaining fat but not muscle, third mistake is very simple, and that is that you’re weight training plan is just not properly laid out and not properly executed.
I mean you have to think of the basic logic of muscle growth. You go to the gym. You place your muscles under stress in order to stimulate growth response. Then you leave the gym, you eat in a calorie surplus and your body uses those calories to build your muscles larger and stronger. But if that growth response wasn’t strong enough to begin with, not only will you not gain very much new muscle because your body will have no incentive for it, but your body won’t even need all of the extra calories you’re eating in order to recover it.
So those calories won’t have anywhere to go except to your fat stores. So if it seems like you’re gaining fat but not muscle, you’ve got to sit down and be honest with yourself.
Are you truly training hard in the gym and truly pushing yourself reasonably close to your limit during each workout? Are you keeping track of your workouts and applying the law of progressive overload by steadily focusing on getting stronger overtime? Are you being consistent with your planning, showing up for you workouts on the assign days? Are you using enough total training volume and leaving the gym knowing that you did enough each time?
The simple fact is that a lot of guys in the gym just don’t train hard enough. And if you’re eating in calorie surplus but your workout plan is weak then it shouldn’t be any surprise that your body fat is going up but your muscle mass is not. And mistake number four, another very simple one, but it’s the possibility that you just have unrealistic expectations about how the muscle building process works. It’s actually very possible that there’s nothing wrong to your plan at all and that you’re just expecting too much too soon.
Building muscle naturally is a slow and gradual process for the average lifter. It doesn’t happen overnight. And it takes time, patience and consistent long term effort to really gain a noteworthy amount of quality muscle. I get a lot of messages from people asking about this topic. And then when I asked about their program, it turns out that they’ve only been training for a few weeks and they’ve only gain a few pounds of extra bodyweight.
And some of that initial weight gain probably isn’t even body fat at all but it’s just additional water retention from the higher calorie diet that they’re following.
So don’t jump the gun on this. You aren’t going to have defined shoulders and packs popping out after a few weeks of training. It’s a slow process. And it’s a matter of consistent small increases from week to week. And it’ll take a few months of proper training and proper nutrition for you to really start seeing significant visual changes. So thanks for watching, guys.
If you are struggling with this issue and you want to get everything properly laid out in step-by-step format. Your workout plan, meal plans, supplements and one-on-one coaching with me then you can download my Body Transformation Blueprint by clicking ‘here’ or by heading over to www.BodyTransformationTruth.com.
The link is in the description box. Make sure to like the video, leave a comment and subscribe if you haven’t already. The official blog is www.SeanNal.com. And you can follow me on facebook, twitter, instagram, all that good stuff. The links for that are also in the description box. Thanks again for watching, guys. And I’ll see you in the next video.

How to gain muscle fast | bodybuilding muscle gain diet tips | Hindi | Fitness Rockers

Hello friends welcome to fitnessrockers.com It has been observed that people start going to the gym with a dream… of having a good body but 90% of them struggle to gain weight or or they totally fail and the reason for this is that they focus only on workout and forgets about diet. Muscle training is important for Quality muscle gain but most important is the role of the diet. In this video we will talk about diet tips for muscle growth.
When we talk about Muscle Growth then the the first important aspect is lots of Calories or energy which mainly we get from 3 macro nutrients Carbs, Proteins and fats. It is important to learn the consumption quantity of micro nutrients according to your weight Please watch our video “How to calculate macro nutrients for muscle gain” and calculate your macronutrients requirement yourself according to your weight.
Protein is must for Muscle repair and Growth We get Protein from both Veg and Non – veg dono sources. To know about the protein food sources you may watch our video on Protein. We do not get sufficient amount of protein from our diet which is required for our body muscle building so supplements are there to help us. Whey Protein is considered to be the best Protein supplement but majority of the people are unaware of what in actual whey protein is. Here in this video detailed information on whey protein given so watch it full.
It is equally important to understand what Protein is? Why the body requires protein, how it works, how much we need them. So all these questions are important and the answers for these questions are addressed in this video. Protien, creatine, BCAA, Multivitamin & minerals & Omega 3 are five important supplements which are essential for bodybuilding/ muscle gain. We have covered them in our video “5 must have bodybuilding supplements”.
To know the detailed information & usage, do watch this video. Male hormone Testosterone is essential for Muscle growth and strength. If the testosterone level is good then it’s easy to gain muscle and deficiency of testosterone keeps you at bay and never lets you reach the target of muscle gain. This is the reason that people start taking steroids to build body fast there are natural ways too to boost testosterone boost.
Watch & follow our video on testosterone to boost testosterone naturally. Pre and Post workout nutrition is essential Muscle growth but it is also important for intra workout. Pre-workout nutrition gives required energy to our body for workout. It enhances muscle strength during the workout and helps in muscle recovery and muscle growth. Add complex carbs like oats, sweet potatoes etc in Pre workout Meals.
It is helpful to take them around 40-45 minutes prior to workout & Pre-workout drinks like black coffee etc. is consumed 30 minutes before workout. Intra workout meal is the meal taken in middle of muscle training. It must be a balance of protein and carbs so that it helps in recovery and energy boost during workout but should not be heavy on stomach. This meal is optional but its inclusion is considered extra beneficial for muscle growth.
Post workout meals is important meal which is a high protein diet and combination of carbs with it is extra beneficial as carbs increases insulin and sends amino acids easily to the muscles and starts muscle growth process immediately. Eat more on OFF day is not applicable while doing workout in gym for muscle growth but once workout is finished i.e. in recovery phase me. So, there should be no gap in nutrition on rest day. Instead of eating too much at once, try to break your meal into 7-8 smaller meals.
In this way your body will get full supply of protein, carbs, fats etc for for the whole day for muscle recovery, muscle gain and energy production. For sample diet chart on Muscle gain watch our video “Diet chart for muscle gain”. It is very important that muscles are well hydrated for Muscle gain so the water is also important for muscle gain as much as the diet is. Deficiency of water during muscle training may cause muscle cramps so it is always advised to take water during training on regular interval.
Use a simple formula to devise water intake quantity, multiply your body weight by 0.04 and drink that much liter water for good muscle gain. For example a person of 75 kg should drink 3 liters of water in a day as per this formula. So friends we finish this video here and hope the information given in it will prove useful for you. Fitnessrockers team will help you in achieving your muscle gain and fitness goal. In case you have suggestions/query related to this video or subject, please comment.
Don’t forget to like & share this video so that other people can also benefit with this information.


Hello Friends! Welcome to Fit Tuber. In this video, I am going to share a muscle building diet plan for students who are living in hostel or PG. Now, I have been living away from my home for over 11 years now. And in these 11 years, I have lived in various hostels and PGs.
So I assure that all the meals that we are going to discuss today are very much practical in hostel or PG life. Moreover, I completely understand that in student life, we do not have a lot of money to spend on diet. Taking this into consideration, this diet plan is very low in budget yet it is perfect for muscle building.
I will share with you the cost breakup of each meal and at the end of this video, we will calculate the monthly budget. So, without any further delay, let’s get started. The first meal of the day is breakfast. Now, when I was in hostel for breakfast we used to get aloo puri, bhature chhole, paranthas, dosas and all that oily stuff. I would suggest you to avoid it. Along with this I am quite sure that you would be getting one glass of milk. So, we will be using this milk to make a well balanced and a tasty oatmeal. We will take 60 grams of natural oats.
I’m using quaker oats here. And we will add this one glass of hot milk into it. We will allow it rest for just a few minutes so that the oats get cooked in steam. Then we will add 10-12 almonds for healthy fats, 1 teaspoon of flaxseeds for omega 3 and one banana as it is an excellent source of potassium and natural sugar.
You can also add some other fruit of your choice. Along with this oatmeal, we will have two boiled eggs with yolk. Now, there would quite a few maggi lovers in your PG or hostel. So you can borrow electric kettle from them to boil eggs. If you can’t find electric kettle, you can even consider buying it. It’s a good investment when living in hostel. You can even convince someone in the hostel mess to boil eggs for you.
It is heavy, well balanced and a perfect meal for muscle building. This meal will cost you 30-35 Rs. It is a great start for the day. Let me show you it’s cost breakdown, it’s macro breakdown and then we will come to the next meal The next meal of the day is snack. Now, this is that point of the time, when you are busy attending classes and you would want to have something which is very easy to carry. So, I would suggest you to have 50 grams of bhuna chana along with one handful of unsalted roasted peanuts.
These are two things which are very easily available in the Indian market. Together, they form a great combination of complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats. Whenever we go to the hostel mess, the table is set in such a way that there is rice, chapati, dal, curry, curd and salad. Eating in a hostel mess is all about making the smart choices. First of all, you should never miss out on salad.
It is a great way to get the essential vitamins and minerals. Now, choosing a carbohydrate source is very important. Instead of having a simple carbohydrate like white rice, have whole wheat chapatis which is a complex carbohydrates. And also if there is curd, you should definitely take it. Then, instead of having that oily good for nothing curry, have dal. You can have little bit of curry for taste, there is no harm in it.
Now, the protein in this curry is still missing. So, I would suggest you to add 4 egg whites in curry or dal itself. It is a great way of overcoming the bland taste of egg whites and you can make any curry protein rich. If you are a vegetarian, instead of using 4 egg whites you can use 100 grams of paneer or tofu. So, this is how you can have healthy high protein lunch in hostel. The next meal of the day is pre workout meal. Now, for pre workout meal we need a lot of carbohydrates so that we stay energised throughout the workout. And also, a little bit of protein. So, I will give you three options. You take your pick.
First is what I used to do when I was in hostel. I used to take a handful of black chana and soak it overnight. The next day, they are ready to eat. Though they are not very tasty but they serve as a great pre workout meal.
Second option could be 100 grams of roasted chana. It is very tasty and again it is perfect for pre workout meal.
Third option is banana peanut butter sandwich. Take two slices of whole wheat bread. Spread one tablespoon of peanut butter and one banana into it. Even though I am not a big fan of whole wheat bread but considering the lack of options in hostel, it is fine. So, the next meal of the day is very important meal which is post workout meal.
Post workout meal is one of the most important meals of the day. I would suggest you to have 6 egg whites along with two bananas. Egg whites because it is a fast digesting lean source of protein. And bananas help replenish the glycogen and prevent muscle soreness. Now, if you can afford, you can replace egg whites with whey protein. In that case, you can have 1 scoop of whey protein in water along with two bananas.
Whey protein is one of the fastest digesting proteins. It is safe and is also a great option for vegetarians. Overall, if you want great results, make sure to provide your body with proper nutrition post workout. For dinner, when we go to the mess, we see that the food options on the table are similar to the way they were in lunch. Again, the trick is to choose the best and leave the rest. For protein, we would be using 100 grams of paneer.
Not only because we have already eaten a lot of egg whites but also because paneer is a slow digesting protein and is ideal to be consumed in dinner. Coming up is the last meal of the day, before bed meal. Before bed meal is very important specially living in hostels because we don’t have this habit of sleeping early. So, here I have 1 handful of unsalted roasted peanuts and 500 ml of low fat milk. Both are slow digesting and will provide you nutrients throughout the night. It is much better than depending on maggi. So friends, I hope you found this video helpful.
Well, if you did, please do give it a thumbs up and also please do remember to subscribe to my channel. My name is Vivek, I thank you so much for watching.